bye new york

By some amazing christmas miracle I got out before the "classic nor-easter" hit new york! I'm a little sad to miss all the snow. but god knows i need to get home. I need a break so bad. Finals this semester nearly killed me. I was/am kinda a mess and i need a nice long rest in the northwest. I'm giddy. I'm currently in the charlotte NC airport, which is a hoot. Its raining in seattle, I can't wait!!!


Art history is killer. 259 slides. title, author, date, culture of origin + a sentence explaining the works significance in the history of art... yeah FML. oh + art history girls (especially at Barnard) make me want to die inside. they are so snotty, rude, pushy, grade-grubbing, and neurotic that the classroom is always full has a palpable tension. these bitchs suck.

I want a cat



Looking out the window

I can't focus for the life of me! good god I want to be done with school. I just can't seem to make myself do it... and I have to do it! one more week till home. HOME =

My Puppies!

Plus my mom (old picture, ain't she purrrdy?)

Dirty Projectors

sloppy, scratchy messy photo of the dirty projectors

They were super cool. especially the guitar playing girl. she is my new role model.

missing seattle

I'm missing my hometown. I even set my homepage to a webcam on top of the space needle. I get to wake up and see dawn in seattle.

Work in progress

home sweet home

My Room

Thanksgiving at the Zooo!

with mom and Lu. and the seals, the snow leopard and stinky penguins.
Happy holidays~


It gets dark at like 5pm now, the upside is there are Christmas lights.

West side

Lucy, my sister is living in new york now.
shes freshman at nyu (but shes too cool for school) we can explore together now!


Ohio at dawn

My new favorite place in the world....

Its sooo romantic
It was a beautiful fall day (haha i'm so from seattle, i love the clouds). But I'm
in love. its my favorite place in the world. There's a cute bar there too. perfect date.

Fall in New York

View from my window. I'm obsessively voyeuristic and can't stop starring at my neighbors....

Fall is coming. I've been away form this blog for way too long. But now I'm back (mostly cause I need a way to kill time and avoid homework)

My favorite spot in the libary

Not that I like the library or spend much time there, but this is my favorite spot.

its been a long time....

Hey! it has been quite a while. I'm now back at school in New York and today I was simply compelled to make a post. Here is the view from my bed (my current location).

Being back in the city has been wonderful. spring is here and its suppose to be 80 this weekend. Too bad I have a shit load of work to do. Two weeks till the end of school and all the work is piling up...


Good to be back ny